Cinema 4D beauty skin care makeup lipstick hair dryer makeup mirror mask fbx cartoon model obj model with png icon
Cinema 4D Beauty Skin Care Makeup 3D Model includes lipstick, hair dryer, makeup mirror, and mask. Available in FBX and OBJ formats, with a PNG icon, this cartoon-style model suits beauty product promotions, makeup tutorials, or skincare advertisements.
blend format Cinema 4D gardening plant tools cartoon icon carrot cart fbx model obj attached png diagram
Cinema 4D Gardening Plant Tools Cartoon Icon 3D Model, featuring a carrot cart. This playful design is available in blend, fbx, and obj formats, with an attached PNG diagram. Ideal for gardening-themed projects, children’s educational content, or cartoon animations.
Blender mushroom leaves hot air balloon bonfire 3D stereo icon Cinema 4D model obj format fbx with png diagram
Blender Mushroom Leaves Hot Air Balloon Bonfire 3D Model in obj and fbx formats, including a PNG diagram. This whimsical design combines natural elements with a touch of fantasy, making it ideal for creative projects, animated stories, or as a...
Cinema 4D Industrial Pipe Radio Tower Mechanical Components 3D Model fbx White Model obj blender Modeling Model
Cinema 4D Industrial Radio Tower 3D Model. Featuring detailed industrial pipe and mechanical components, this sleek white model is perfect for your 3D projects. Crafted for Cinema 4D, also compatible with Blender, enhance your designs with precision.
Cinema 4D science fiction mechanical helmet head ZB brush fbx model obj 3D white mold modeling engraving design model
Cinema 4D Sci-Fi Mechanical Helmet 3D Model. This sleek white mold showcases intricate engraving design, crafted with ZB brush. Ideal for sci-fi themes, enhance your 3D projects with this detailed mechanical helmet head model, compatible with Cinema 4D, FBX, and...
Cinema 4D future urban science fiction 3D architecture blender white mold fbx model obj modeling rendering design model
Cinema 4D Future Urban Sci-Fi 3D Architecture Model. This sleek white mold design showcases a futuristic urban landscape, ideal for science fiction themes. Crafted with Blender, this high-quality 3D model is perfect for rendering and design projects, compatible with Cinema...
Cinema 4D Cyberpunk motorcycle 3D model science fiction locomotive obj format fbx modeling ZB engraving model
Cinema 4D Cyberpunk Motorcycle 3D Model. This futuristic science fiction locomotive is designed with sleek lines and cutting-edge technology. Compatible with obj and fbx formats, this 3D model features ZB engraving for added detail, making it perfect for your cyberpunk-themed...
Cinema 4D butterfly 3D model blue spot butterfly monarch butterfly fbx format obj modeling rendering 3D design CG model
Cinema 4D Blue Spot Butterfly 3D Model. This stunning 3D design showcases the intricate beauty of the blue spot monarch butterfly. Perfect for obj modeling, rendering, and CG projects, this model adds a touch of nature to your Cinema 4D...